Newcomer Information

For Newcomers

If you are thinking of attending or have just attended your first meeting of Co-Dependents Anonymous, take heart, you are not alone. This renewal process is a gift of healing for us, by actively working the program of Co-Dependants Anonymous we can each realise a new joy, serenity and acceptance in our lives.

There are four parts to the CoDA program of recovery:

  • Attending Meetings

  • Sharing and Fellowship

  • Working the Steps

  • Sponsorship

A major part of recovery in any 12 step fellowship is attending meetings.  At meetings members are able to share their experiences, thoughts and feelings with the group. There is never any obligation to share if you do not wish to. Being able to speak and be heard without interruption or comment is a powerful healing experience for many people, as is listening to others in the same way.

Recovery is something we cannot do alone. 

It is recommended that you attend at least six CODA meetings in relatively quick succession before deciding if CoDA is right for you.  If you are able, it is recommended that you attend more than one CoDA Group as part of your six meetings.  

The ''God'' as mentioned in the Steps is the Higher Power entirely of your own understanding; CoDA is a spiritual not a religious program and has no denominational, religious or other affiliations.

Download a  CoDA Welcome Pack.

General enquires can be made to:

What Shall I Do Now? 


  • Attend meetings - 2 a week if possible.

  • When at meetings listen without judgement to others' sharing and for the similarities in their story to your own.

  • When you feel safe, start to share in meetings. Speak as honestly as you are able about your feelings, your story and what you are discovering about your self.

  • Talk to other members after meetings about what brought you to CoDA, ask members to share their experience of Co-Dependency and their own path or recovery with you.

  • Read the literature on sponsorship and then look for a Sponsor or Co-Sponsor to start working the CoDA program with. It is suggested that you start with ‘The First 14 Days” - ask at your meeting for details.

  • Ask other members for their phone numbers and make 'outreach' calls

  • Read some CoDA literature, the CoDA Blue Book is a good place to start.

  • Begin to identify your own Co-Dependency patterns and talk to other members about them. Write about your feelings and thoughts


CoDA Literature

Coda literature is available for purchase through your local meeting or via our online store.

Details of literature items and a postal order form (for those who prefer posting in orders) are here.

Suggested Literature for Newcomers:

  • Common Threads of Codependency Booklet;

  • Welcome Kit for Newcomers,

  • The Co-Dependant Anonymous Book ( The CoDA main text) 

  • Sponsorship Pamphlet & Handbook,

  • CoDA CD ( Audio recordings of CoDA speakers)

Other CoDA Websites is the International website of CODA.  It contains many useful resources and links to other CODA groups' websites and the Co-NNections online newsletter.

Here is a list of other CoDA Websites worldwide Click Here;

If you cannot get to a regular CoDA meeting it is suggested that you attend open meetings of other 12 Steps fellowships, for example Alanon, S.L.A.A. or A.A.  This will help you gain an understanding of how recovery works, while using CoDA literature to work your own program of recovery from Co-Dependency.  Also consider starting a new CoDA meeting, a new meeting starter pack is available for this purpose from the Sydney CoDA office or by clicking here.